11 Jul

Just recently, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, several institutions of higher education proceeded to allow its application process for the 2020-2021 cycle to be test optional; a change that is the first of its kind in the application process. The Ivy League, notorious for its academic and connective prestige, even followed through with this process. If you have been catching up with my dreams and goals in life thus far, then you would know that I really want to attend Princeton University. I even had a whole plan set in place for it: I was going to apply early, which statistically meant a higher chance of acceptance, AND, that I would know the results in the middle of my senior year (this upcoming winter). However, like all my other plans, even this one didn't go through. Princeton, the ONLY school in the Ivy League that decided to do this, cancelled their early action plan for this application cycle only. When I first read about that, my heart literally bursted into extreme distress and anger. But, I thought about it, and I figured: When has any of my plans actually turned out how I wanted it to be?


I mean, if it wasn't clear already, I need to stop flowing through with my own plans. I have learned through and through, that whenever I depend heavily upon my own plans, it just does not work. I have a perfectly standing God right behind me, in front of me, and next to me, who has assured that everything will go into my favor, if I only believe in it and trust in it. 

But with Princeton cancelling early action, I was free to apply early somewhere else now. 

My dreams have always called me to be in New York City. Whether I'm living on the shores of the illustrious and rich properties outside of the city, or living comfortably.within it. No matter where I go, I have always wanted the end result to be in New York. The different type of mindset that it gives me, and the feeling that you have to work hard and like it, or else, you're going to live miserably in the city. My second choice for college is Columbia University. Maybe God foresaw my dreams, and would much rather have me be in the city as soon as possible. All of the medical field elite connections lies in the heart of New York City. But, I can't interpret God's vision, because that would only mean that I'm doubting it. So I'll continue to work as hard as I can, and I'll end up where God envisioned me to end up.

Columbia University's motto is: In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen, which means in "In thy light, we shall see light." This is a reference to Psalms 36:9 which states "The fountain of life flows from you. Your light lets us see light." Perhaps that's the answer. I have to be under God's light and guidance, so I can actually be apart of the luminous promises that were made for me. Because only God's light has that kind of power. We can only see clear through and under God. 

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