14 Oct

Matthew 19:26

"Jesus looked and them and said, "With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."

Wow, this fits really really well. Also, I'm thinking about doing these values posts every Sunday. But, I was scrolling through Facebook and I came across this verse... I was super intrigued by it. It just had the portion of "With God, all things are possible," so I was pretty interested in seeing the full verse. I know I had seen the verse before, but God does work in really beautiful ways to remind us of important values such as these. It's also so fitting that I see this when I just finished up my SAT review for the day, and it's something that my mom tells me all the time. She says, "Jade, you're depending too much on yourself anak, ask God for help." At the times she says that, in my mind I'm like "But I'm just studying, how am I depending on myself, it's literally just studying." But it's not just studying, it's something deeper. It's the very value of God, that He wants you to constantly go to Him for every single problem you may have. It doesn't even have to be a problem. He wants you to understand that He is always there, standing by waiting for the cries of His children, because with every plea, He's there in an instant. Mere human efforts aren't nearly enough to prosper in this world, but with God, now that just flips the script. I realized that when I am working hard and studying, I'm literally depending on my own abilities, my own mind, and my limits. I know in the other posts, I talk about breaking your limits, but with God, he guides you into doing that. See, our relationship with God has to be us depending on him. God is independent, we are dependent, we cannot live without Him, thus, we cannot do anything without Him. 

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