29 Sep

Matthew 5:14

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."

Light. Definitions that vary depending on how one perceives "light". Light, the opposite of dark. Light, the luminous source that shines in the dark. It can be agreed upon that not everything on Earth is ever for a good thing. We have school shootings left and right, wars displacing families in almost every continent, multiple disagreements that could bring on disastrous effects for the world. Not everything on Earth is for good. This bible verse is specific to those that are good. In terms of religion, the "light" in this verse are God's people. God's people in which they have been appointed as believers and whose duty is to spread the "light" that was given to them. Let's take Stephen Curry, point guard for the Golden State Warriors. He has won multiple awards, multiple championships, accolades, etc. The first source he thanks, is God. He is spreading the goodness that was given to him in order to express that if you believe in Him, you will be the light. A light's job is to cover darkness, illuminate the shrouded. Whether or not you believe in God, still find a way to spread any type of light that you may have. Remember, you are a town. Not a mere building, or a single structure, but a town. You are fully functional and operational, and you are set on a hill. God has placed you there for everybody to see that good things are happening. 

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