11 Jul

The world is in the midst of a global pandemic, racial battles and disagreements, political misconducts, life ending wars, and everything that could possibly make 2020 worse than it already is. Discussions about 2020 couldn't get any worse, but it ends up being worse, arouses people's emotions and makes them lose hope in everything good. On top of the global predicaments, people face problems in their everyday lives. It's a problem toppled on top of another problem, which is on top of another problem. It seems never ending. 

But even throughout all of these life changing problems, God remains the same. If you choose to seek his guidance, his assistance is in the form of his Word. "Be careful. Hold firmly to your faith. Have courage and be strong," (1 Corinthians 16:13). As C.S Lewis says, "Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties." It cannot be stressed enough that God is insisting that he will always be there for you. Yes, these problems may be here, but you're forgetting God is always here too. 

It's definitely easier said, but we have to hold firmly to our faith. 2020 isn't a year to forget about, nor is it a year to throw away mindlessly. As long as you follow in God and trust in him, 2020 is a beauty in disguise. We always focus on the negative problems in our life, because of what the world is telling us. Everyday, it seems to be a new problem. Someone seems to be dying of murder everyday. The WHO seems to be coming out with new research, and giving us information about the COVID-19 virus that seems scarier than what it really is. The United States, although a first world country, seems to be the only country in the world that doesn't know what it's doing. These problems in the world, and in life, are definitely real. Just allow God to give you peace and strength during these times, and whenever you may have difficulty in your life. 

It's definitely what I've learned during this stay at home quarantine. It just showed me that there's only so much I can do. Before quarantine, I was so focused on getting this and that done, putting myself in constantly stressful situations. But once quarantine was mandated, I was shut off. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do anymore. My volunteer opportunities: gone. My shadowing opportunities: gone. The end of my school year: gone. Just like everybody, my life was restricted. But, staying at home made me realized that even I, whose confidence never wavers when it comes to something I want to do, have my own limitations and setbacks. My plans went to fail, just like every other time. Usually, I went right to creating another plan, but this time I was forced to be creative and find other ways. I had to trust in God now. No more setting back on my own plans. I was going to do my thing, and do the most that I could do, and I'll leave the rest to God. Because its a partnership, a friendship. I see my relationship with God as a team. In basketball terms, I'm more of a role player, while God is your all around star player. If you want him to shoot threes, he'll shoot threes. If you want him to go into the paint and score, he'll do that. If you need a good defender, he's elite at that. And if you need a quick score, he'll do that too. 

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