29 Jan

"Success is simply a series of completing the next most significant priority. 

   This is where you cannot wait any longer. This is when you have to take charge of your own destiny. This is when you have to realize that nobody else is going to do it for you and so you have to do it now.

   Because there is no such thing as an overnight success.

   There is no such thing as unintentionally being discovered.

   There is no such thing as a random happenstance of your dreams coming true.

   Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of work, and faith, and fight and discipline and action.

   Your dream matters too much to lose distraction.

   Your dream matters too much to be comfortable.

   Your dream matters too much to give up out of courtesy.

   Your dream matters too much to lose to fear.

   Your dream matters too much to be ignored.

   Your dream matters so much that the next step has to be projected!

   If something is the next most Significant thing related to your dream, you have to Protect it, you have to do it, and you have to do it now!

   Until you do, everything else is a distraction.

   So you have to work.

   You have to fight.

   You have to hustle.

   You have to persist.

   You have to act.

   You have to concentrate."

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