06 Oct

"The challenges you face will test and strengthen you. If you're not failing, you're not pushing your limits, and if you're not pushing your limits, you're not maximizing your potential. Through this process of pushing your limits, of sometimes failing and sometimes breaking through---and deriving benefits from both your failures and your successes --- is not for everyone, it is for you, it can be so thrilling that it becomes addictive. Life will inevitably bring you such moments, and it'll be up to you to decide whether you want to go back for more. If you choose to push through this often painful process of personal evolution, you will naturally "ascend" to higher and higher levels. As you climb above the blizzard of things that surrounds you, you will realize that they seem bigger than they really are when you are them up close; that most things in life are just "another one of those." The higher you ascend, the more effective you become at working with reality to shape outcomes toward your goals. What once seemed impossibly complex becomes simple." (Passage from Principles by Ray Dalio)

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