06 Dec

*Aha, see, I kept up on my word of posting today. Redemption tomorrow, enjoy.

I'm writing this with full attentiveness, full awareness, and full nervousness. I know I'm kinda making this whole SAT thing a big deal, because truth is, there are A LOT of people who easily get perfect scores without the kind of studying that I'm doing. I am aware of that. I know that this test is just a score, and it really doesn't define your future. Unfortunately, it's not like that in some circumstances. I want to attend the world's top schools, Princeton University, Columbia University, New York University, and such. And to be even considered, high standardized test scores is a large factor in getting in. Especially from my situation, a really high score would speak a lot about the individual I am, considering where I'm coming from; where going to these selective schools is unheard of. I'm writing this from the desk and a laptop of my friend, whose house I am currently at. It is 10:57PM, and the SATs are tomorrow. I came with my parents to this Christmas party to feel relieved, but in all honesty, I'm really not :( I'm still very nervous. I shouldn't be. I prepared quite well. I know what to expect. Why should I be worried? I think that really shows that I do care about this, a little too much. I took a practice test 4 out of the 5 business days and these were my results: 

It doesn't help that in the background that Ana is doing the "Do you Wanna Build A Snowman?" number in the most depressing way possible. It's okay. But these were my scores: the top three was 1530, 1490, 1480. To be honest, I'm just trying to get a 1490 or above. All I know as well, is that I'm not taking this a third time. I'm finishing this up this year. I'm getting a 1490+ for Christmas. I'm claiming it.

So what does tomorrow mean to you? It varies every time doesn't it? Unless you're like me, when I know that I'll most likely be doing homework or studying. Just kidding, I have a life lol. But seriously, what does tomorrow mean to you? Tomorrow to me, means the future. What you do today, will affect your tomorrow. I don't know about you, but I want a good tomorrow. For a good tomorrow, requires a good today. My tomorrow means redemption... I know what I want, God knows His plan for me. I'll keep on update on how I think I did, but for now, #BreakTheLimits

Cover Picture Credits: IG @alliewxy

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