04 Oct

Finally, Friday... Don't get me wrong, I like going to school, it's just that it's super tiring. I have to wake up at at least 6:00 in the morning to catch a bus that leaves at 7:38 sharp or even earlier. Like there are times in some mornings, I wished I went to my district high school just so I can catch up on a few more hours of sleep. But this schedule forces me to manage my time more wisely and other  things. For example, I come home at 4:00 in the afternoon and I'm super tired. Literally, I could choose to slack and please the very temptation of a good nap, or I could grind on my school work and make it easier for myself. It's such a hard task, but it makes me more responsible with things, for which I'm forever grateful. Anyways, this Friday concludes the three day week, and it was actually pleasant. My schedule is based around block, and I couldn't love it any more. It perfectly suits what I can prioritize or not. My schedule allows a nice flexibility to focus on other things, such as SATs or extracurriculars. Other than that, the weather has been so bipolar. It was 90 degrees on Wednesday, and rainy and cold the next.

Church:Today was the perfect temperature, but I honestly prefer a little colder, like 30 degrees.  I always liked colder weather in general, it allows me to get warm in clothes I like wearing which are basically hoodies. BUT WOAH! My interview for a volunteer spot at Liberty Science Center is tomorrow. I'm not scared or nervous at all because I know what I want to do, and I believe that if you know what you want, you'll be confident in it. God got me, as always. Getting this spot would guarantee at least 130 hours of service or more, but after this, I would like to volunteer at the Hospital of Special Surgery. My plans are going as planned so far, and I like it. All credit belongs to God. They say that when good things keep happening, a bad thing is bound to occur. I don't believe in that, we need to keep working as hard as possible to make sure good things constantly come. We control the outcome of 90% things we do, and I'm a firm believer in that. 

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