01 Dec

*I'm here again! This is the last time that I'll be away from this. If you still read these, or in any which way this has helped you, then I appreciate you and thank you.

Ohhhh boyyyy. December 1st, 2019. The first day of December, and it snows! December is here, and that only means one thing: The December SATs.  The test I've been dreading and studying so much for. The test that has become the main point of emphasis on this blog. The test is coming... in 6 days. Saturday, December 7th... also known as "Redemption Day". Compared to the March 2019 SAT I took earlier in the year in which I received a 1120 on, I have to get a 1490 or above this time. A huge 300+ jump, but anything is possible with God. You should know by now that He is really my fuel, and the reason I keep going. I want to be in the upside range of Ivy League applicants score, and I'm going to do that on Saturday. I'm claiming it, I don't care. There's no reason that I've been studying as hard as I am for the last few months, if it weren't for nothing. I'm going to receive the score I want. I'm going to receive the score I want. I'm going to receive the score I want. This week's plan in preparation is to take a practice test every single day of this week. I'm not going to school on Friday, so I can rest because those tests are actually mentally draining to be honest. I took a practice test on Friday.. I received a 1530. It's game time. I'm planning to include this blog in my resume, so Princeton University, if you're reading this, I hope you appreciate the grind.

It was Thanksgiving last week, and I have a lot to be thankful for. Since I'm not really that expressive in real life, I'll just do it here (: First, to God. God, I literally can't thank you enough for all that you have done in my life. Not only did you die for us, you're still working in my life up to this point and forever. I know you understand my ambitions, and I thank you for creating such a plan for me that would give me satisfaction and thankfulness. You're the reason I do the things I do, and I couldn't be anymore grateful. Obviously there have been some unfortunate moments in my life that I probably won't understand, but I'm thankful for those too because you had bigger things in store. And you HAVE bigger things in store. I'm forever thankful. Second, to my family. I want to thank you for supporting my dreams and helping me realize that I have to work hard for my dreams. I usually seclude myself in my room, studying or extra things, and I want to thank you for understanding why I do that. I thank you for teaching me core values that I must always remember. You guys sometimes say that I'm very "driven", and to be honest, that personality wouldn't even be possible if not molded by you guys. Thank you. I'm thankful for a lot more things, but I felt like that needed to be said. 

I'm going to conclude it here. Like I mentioned before, if you still read these, I appreciate you. I'll post again on Friday, maybe in my "Values" section for a quick catch up and motivation. SAT week is here, and I'm ready for it. Remember to always to #BreakTheLimits

Cover Picture Credits: IG @columbia

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