18 Nov

*13 days later... you just love to see it don't you lol. "Spend your energy on your visions, and execute."

So I have a reason, again, for not doing these posts. I mean, I'm making a heads up now to now expect that many, at least for right now. I have my December SATs coming up, and for some reason December is coming really fast, so I'll be needing to focus on that. Also, I composed a really strict "Compressed SAT Studying Schedule", that forces me to prioritize on preparation for this test too. In addition, Saturdays are completely filled on my schedule, since I've been at the Liberty Science Center as well. So, it's really hard to find and to create time for this, but I'll try my hardest. It's not like I don't like doing these anymore, I just have certain priorities now (: 

So, this is the schedule I created. I actually took it from inspiration by a Youtube who earned a 1560/1600 on her SAT, and I thought the schedule was pretty manageable in accordance to my schedule. To describe it, I took the specific 4 sections of the SAT and separated it among the 4 weekdays (Mon-Thurs). For example, Monday, I would focus on reading passages and their questions only. Then, on Tuesday, I would switch it to Math, the "Heart of Algebra" section which is again for the whole day. Then for Fridays, and Saturdays, I would do specific section tests that Princeton Review provides. I would put the heavier sections on Friday (eg. Reading & Calc Math Section), and I'd put the "lighter" sections (eg. Writing and No Calc Math Section) on Saturdays, since it would be when I get back from volunteering. Then for every Sunday, I would take a full practice test. Furthermore, in the week of the SAT, during the days leading up to that Saturday, I would do a practice test every day. I figured repetition was basically key in this studying regime, and it worked. (I'm realizing that all I talk about here is the SAT, TRUST ME, it'll all be worth it. Join me on my journey to the greater 1500). Here we have the scores of my previously taken practice tests. I'm rather proud of the improvement myself lol. I took practice test 1 the first week of the three weeks I've been doing this and earned a 1310. To be honest, it was where I'm expected to be. I didn't expect a HUGE boost from the 1120. The second week, it dipped down a little bit to 1250. That's fine, but it's a good sign that there's probably no way I'm ever getting 500s, EVER. The third week, literally yesterday, A 1450! That was actually insane. My reading score seemed to be improving on its own, and I swear that's due to repetition of just reading passages and learning how to solve the questions. The 770 was surprising, I'm not going to lie. I only got 2 wrong in the whole math section, and it dipped to a 770 already, crazy. But MAN, these are improvements for sure. All to God! Praise the Lord. We were only promised up from here. #BreakTheLimits

Liberty Science Center, ahhhh, literally my home for the weekends. My first week was actually great. The new volunteers weren't required to do anything just yet. Our coordinator instructed us to explore the facility, take parts in its activities, and all that it has to offer. Might sound odd for a volunteer, but it made sense. She wanted us to feel and know the place, so when we're volunteers, we'll know the ins and outs and therefore have the ability to help people. So during my exploration, I obviously went through all the exhibits, but "Microbes Rule" stood out to me the most. This florid wall of colorful design, featuring 180 different types of microbes is part of that exhibit. I mean, I wouldn't mind being posted here the whole day. This exhibit is literally my calling lol. It's everything medicine, health related. LSC is basically science made fun and simple, and knowing the fundamentals, will help tremendously. But, I'm shadowing this week most likely. A few more days of shadowing, and I'll be officially official with a purple shirt that denotes that I'm a volunteer. #BreakTheLimits

Cover Picture Credits: @sobe.j (Shot on XR)

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