06 Oct

Okay, so a few months ago, I loved coconut water. It was a funny thing at first, but then it really popped up. As I payed more and more attention to the refreshing beverage, more and more people were emphasizing on it. It was being recommended for health use, I brought it to my church, and soon after some adults started bringing it... it was a huge and cool thing. Coconut water meant something a few months ago, maybe even last month, or even last week. But, I drink it now, and it's not the same cooling and precious drink it once was. I taste it, expecting to be fulfilled, but I'm filled with disappointment. It has a pungent and sour taste that leaves my mouth like a desert right after. It tastes different now, for some reason. I have 4 containers of it left on my room desk, and I wonder if I should drink it or just leave it there as a remembrance for how it once tasted. 

 Alright, so I mentioned before in one of the previous posts, that I was offered an interview for a volunteer spot at the Liberty Science Center. When I tell you I want that spot, I really really want it. I went to LSC a few times before, but as I went for the interview on Saturday (10/5/19), it changed a lot. It was a very "techy" and science based environment, lots of knowledge to grasp for sure. I knew I wouldn't mind being there all the time, and thus tried even harder for the interview. It was a group interview with two other high schoolers. I mean, I don't want to sound cocky or overconfident, but I feel as if I did really good for my first group interview. Every question they asked, I feel as I answered with extreme genuity and confidence. I was true to myself with most answers, and I even mentioned God a few times. I didn't care that I was talking about God and I, if they don't accept me for that, that's really fine. I always wanna give back credit to the Lord. But, that was the highlight of my tiring weekend. Church was today again, and honestly, it was a little bit more liberating. Cool. 

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