21 Oct

Oh man, so much for "daily" posts hahaha. It's been like more than a week since I've done this, and I have so many valid reasons. But after that busy period during which I didn't post, I'm glad to finally be back on this! Anyways, so my pretty busy schedule was really good actually. My cousins, which I haven't seen in a long time, came from Las Vegas/California for a wedding and for her birthday. There's two of them, and the eldest just turned 20 which is crazy! #twenteen. Last Saturday was planned for a day in New York, because that's where they were staying and we figured, what better place to chill than New York? I was honestly nervous before that day, because 1. I haven't seen them in the longest and 2. The eldest brought her boyfriend and the youngest (18) brought her friend. So I was shook in all honesty lol. But really, I was nervous for nothing. I was going to see my Aunt who I haven't also seen in the longest, my cousins, and the people they brought with them were pretty chill. During that day, we trekked the Brooklyn Bridge, we ate at this florid Italian restaurant where a plate of pasta costs $25, we visited the 9/11 memorial, we went to Wall Street, and then we went to the Vessel.

The funny thing about all that was, it wasn't any of the cool buildings or fancy lunch that got us to start talking to each other, but it was the wild goose chase of the Via that brought us to talk to each other. I was really surprised by how much my cousins had grown and matured though. It made me realize that all those little moments as children were temporary, and that cherishing every moment possible is a must. The eldest who turned 20 today, (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANY!), is already in college and prospering well. Just hearing her experiences as a finance major and college application tips of encouragement just told me that wow, we really all are growing up. But it's little moments like these, that you just cherish! The last time we all saw each other was about 4 years ago, when I visited Las Vegas. Not going to lie, I don't even care, we glo'd up lol. Their three day stay was too short, sadly :(

October 20, 2019...A Panda found a Jem. My aunt got married on Sunday. It was sad, yet so happy to watch her achieve this feat. For so many years now, she was considered the youngest (well she is the youngest), but considered always as the "little one" no matter how mature she became. My dad is her brother in a sibling set of 5, and to me, Auntie Shobe was always considered like a friend to me. Being the youngest sibling out of everyone, she was the one I could relate to the most. Whenever we had family gatherings, and I was left to watch my younger cousins bond with each other, while I was left alone with no cousin in my age group, she was the one I spoke to. It's incredible actually, the youngest one can have so much insight on things and so much knowledge to share. Auntie Shobe is always independent, always loving, and always there. I remember it was summer, and I was like 6 or 7. She lived at my uncle's house which had a pool, and I was just chilling with her. After 30 minutes of swimming, she made me read a book, a book that was levels beyond my comprehension. She made me read it to her, and she asked me questions. I was 6, so I felt dumb when she asked, but for some reason I will always remember that memory. Auntie Shobe always encouraged me to push for my dreams through reality and faith at the same time! Anyways, it was sad to see her kiss her groom, and leave off because I knew she's starting a new journey. I wish nothing but the best for her though! #PandaFoundAJem

Time lapse to today, Monday. I shouldn't have went to school to be honest. Remember how I said to cherish every possible moment because these moments are temporary? Well, I didn't even follow that mantra today. My cousins left today, and I went to school and came back to only see them for about an hour. I don't know, I was sad because probably the next time I'll see them is when I'm in college already. But, I went to school and that wasn't that bad either! It probably would've been better had I stayed and chilled with them, but it's okay. I just need to cherish every single little moment from now on. Understanding that things in this world are temporary, is rather important. It makes you determined to make the most out of things, even the little ones. #BreakTheLimits

Cover Picture Credits: @columbia

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