12 Oct

A quaint Saturday for sure. I don't have school again on Monday, which is super great, always super needed. The week was good as always, praise God for that. The only thing that got in the way were these bad allergies that are gone now, so thank God again for that. There was a basketball tryouts meeting in school on Friday... I don't really know if I want to try out. I play basketball in gym with people already on the team, and I do fairly good, I guess. People tell me I should try out because when I do play, I shoot shots well. But that's because that's all I practice lol, I don't do anything else other than just shoot the ball. Obviously, if that's all I practice, I'll be somewhat good at it. I have more plans that are aligned with what I'm trying to do, and basketball is really just a hobby to be honest. Speaking of practice, I took a practice test today after about weeks of studying for the SATs...I got a 1310. That was pretty bad, not going to lie. After a few weeks of practicing, I expected a lot better from the 1120 in March, but the improvement is always good for sure. Plus, I was strictly studying math and not the reading portion. I got a 700 on math, a 140 point improvement from March which is great. I'm just going to need to polish on a few more skills, and do more problems, so I should be set. The reading part, I didn't even study and I improved 50 points. At the rate I'm going at, if that amount of studying until today earned a 190 point improvement, then few more weeks of studying and I should be hitting the 1500 mark! 

March:        few weeks studying ===>        Now (October):          few more weeks(ish) of studying ===>     December:

Math: 560        (w/ studying=140+points)  Math: 700                           (studying more= should improve)         Math: 750-800

Reading: 560      (no studying= 60+)          Reading: 610                       (w/ studying=140+ points)                      Reading: 750

So that was my little algorithm of reaching my targeted score. But in other news, remember the Liberty Science volunteer interview I was talking about? Well the results came today.... and I WAS ACCEPTED! You know, praise the Lord for real. This was all because of him, and I firmly believe that. During my interview, on most of the questions I was asked, I kept on mentioning God, my ties back to the church, how He was so important in my life up until now, and all the good things He's doing. I'm more than certain that that is the reason I was accepted. Give back all the glory and thanksgiving back to Him, and He'll reward you with double of what you gave him. I'm truly thankful for this, that is one thing checked off of my plan for this year. Praise God! I'm taking this acceptance as a big thing because I usually don't fare well with acceptance letters. In fact, my first time recieving a letter about acceptance or rejection, was in fact a rejection. So this was a big win on God's side! 

Cover Picture Credits: @laclippers

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