04 Jun

Flu Vaccine Efficacy

When flu season is up and running, its effects could prove harmful for the handful of people it infects each year. This relates to any type of flu virus as well. To avoid getting sick, extra precautions should be taken. These include: 1) washing your hands 2) not touching your face 3) avoid those that are sick 4) vaccines. Out of these precautions, vaccines have proven to be the most useful. Contrary to popular belief that vaccines may make you even more sick, studies have shown that the flu vaccines efficacy is that of 70%. From a University of Michigan study, two vaccines were given, one of salt water, and the other of dead flu viruses. Tested on a group of 100 people, off of the saltwater vaccine (placebo), 10/100 (10%) people were sick. Off of those 100 who had the flu vaccine, 3 people had the flu. Calculations were made, and the flu was brought to have 70% (VACCINE EFFICACY). In all, the vaccine does not completely protect you from the flu, however, the risk of getting the flu is lowered. 

Flu Shift & Drift

Aside from its daunting effects on the human population which takes its largest toll based on the number of people the flu kills each year, its replication abilities are not to be taken lightly. Out of the three types of the influenza virus (A, B, C), all are capable of a (GENETIC DRIFT), and type A (the most common type of influenza strains) is capable of a (GENETIC SHIFT), which is enough for a terrible pandemic to occur. Genetic drift in general terms, is the occurrence of the appearance or the disappearance of different genotypes in a strain. In terms of influenza, a flu virus under genetic drift goes through point mutations. Genetic shift in general terms, is the occurrence in which two strains combine or mix to create a whole novel subtype of that virus. As of now, Type A influenza is the only strain that is capable of doing this. Unfortunately, this is also the strain that is most common in the population. 

Two Flu Vaccines (TIV and LAIV)

There are two types of influenza vaccines: TIV and LAIV. TIV stands for (TRIVALENT INACTIVATED INFLUENZA VACCINE), and LAIV stands for (LIVE ATTENUATED INFLUENZA VACCINE). From its name, TIV includes three strains of dead influenza, and LAIV has strains of live, but weakened influenza virus. TIV is injected into the arm, and is not allowed for use on those that are less than 6 months old. LAIV is squirted in the nose, and is not recommended for those that are younger than 2 years old and those that are older than 49 years old, in addition to pregnant women, and those with chronic diseases such as asthma. Furthermore, there are some considerations into giving the vaccines out with certain people. These restrictions include if they have severe reactions or not such as allergies, since the vaccine is made from ingredients which include eggs. Secondly, if the patient has (GUILLAIN-BARRE), which is a disease of nerves causing muscle weakness, because flu has a history with this syndrome. And lastly, if the patient is coming in appearing moderately ill, however mild symptoms are acceptable. 

3 y/o1 y/o62 y/o23 y/o (Pregnant)26 y/o (Asthma)46 y/o (Flu)12 y/o (Mild Diarrhea)

Flu Vaccine Risks and Benefits

Many people question the benefits of the flu vaccine, because of the myths that surround it. One of these myths largely include that the vaccine causes the flu. However, that is false, because the vaccine may cause symptoms of the flu, but not the flu. These symptoms can include a runny nose, coughing, etc. When taking a vaccine, that is generally through an injection, it may cause arm soreness. Arm soreness is only through the usage of the TIV, which are dead strains of influenza. Symptoms of a runny nose may come from the LAIV, which are weakened strains of influenza. Benefits of the flu vaccine actually come from its efficacy, or its effectiveness. The flu vaccine proves 60 to 70% of efficacy, meaning that it's a good chance of protection, not a complete chance. Some uncommon benefits of the vaccine are that provided with the 200,000+ hospitalizations and 40,000+ deaths each year, a majority of those cases come from cases of ear/sinus/bacterial infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Some uncommon risks of the vaccine include cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease of the nerves causing muscle weakness. However, it is unusually rare, but is always watched out for because in 1976, 1 extra case of Guillain-Barre was found through 100,000 of those that had the vaccine. In addition to that syndrome, febrile seizures are also looked out for. These seizures that occur in a child after the flu, appear in 1 out of 1,000 cases. In addition, there are various myths regarding the vaccine, but have proven to be false by research. These include that the vaccine may cause autism, or (THIMEROSAL) (mercury), a preservative in the vaccine, can cause autism. (HERD IMMUNITY) is a great benefit from the vaccine as well. When a large amount of individuals are immune to the virus, this provides protection to those that aren’t. Evidently, it is imperative to get the vaccine, to protect yourself and others.

Making Flu Vaccine Each Year

The World Health Organization (WHO) administers a long and tedious process that carefully watches over the possible productions of flu vaccine strains. Gathering data from 5 critical locations of laboratories around the world (United States, China, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom), WHO decides what strains should be used in the vaccines that are made. Once strains are selected, it goes through a process which includes: manufacturing, utilizing eggs, analyzing its safety, distributing it to clinics around the world, and finally to its patients. The most recent vaccine made, in fact, tested for 62% (VACCINE EFFECTIVENESS). Although it doesn’t offer complete protection, it still provides a good amount. I think that it’s an “effective” idea to take the vaccine. But then again, vaccines offer chances for the virus to resist treatment even more, but it is better to be safe than to be sorry. As evident by the COVID-19 pandemic, a vaccine is absent, and everyone is getting infected. If a vaccine for COVID was readily available, the numbers of those infected would surely decrease. 

Credit: Khan Academy. All entries are written by Jadon-Sean Sobejana

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