02 Apr

   There is a famous saying that states, “Birds of the same feather, flock together.” However, because I believe in diversity, I do not believe in that statement. I define diversity as the inclusivity of a great variety of people. Diversity should not extend only to the likes of race, or gender, or our beliefs. Diversity actually extends to people as a whole, or people as who they are. In the world, the problem with exclusivity is that the people who exclude other people, think it is because they are not the same as that particular group. Despite this, when it is all said and done, every human being is different in their own right. In addition, differences are necessary for worldly improvements. Contributions by the same types of people will bring advancements nowhere, but a combination of different talents and ideals will undoubtedly bring ameliorations to a world that is desperately trying to improve. 

   The idea of “diversity” and its utmost importance in healthcare was heavily emphasized to me in the classes that I take. It widened my view of the medical field, and that is more than just saving a life. I furthered my interest in diversity in healthcare by promoting it through a presentation in school. My understanding of the topic cultivated my knowledge that everyone deserves healthcare, no matter what circumstance. Under any circumstance, should healthcare not discriminate. In addition, for the sake of understanding multicultural societies, medical professionals need to be knowledgeable, or at least aware of all types of races, cultures, and ethnicities. Truly, as health  professionals, we should not treat only the best, but give the best treatment to all. 

IMAGE CREDIT: @jaredmascarinas on IG

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